Tetyana Godiak

My motto in life is to move forward. Because when you act, even if you make mistakes, you almost always achieve what you want. And sometimes the results are even better than your hopes and expectations.
T. Godiak


Leadership and responsibility

Regional leader of Poltava region

Member of the
Poltava City Council, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Land Relations, Environmental Protection, and Nature Management

Tetiana Hodiak Charitable Foundation

Business and entrepreneurship

Production, distribution and sale of personal protective equipment in Ukraine:
Regional Manager for Eastern Europe, Baltic and Asia,

Agricultural sector:
Crops cultivation, seed breeding

Investments and resources

Co-founder and General Manager of the Poltava Investment Club of the Ukrainian Network of Business Angels and Investors (UNBAI)
Vice President for International Cooperation at the International Visionary Institute of Strategic Partnership

Innovation and development

Co-owner of the First United Innovative Entrepreneurial and Startup Ecosystem "G*AGGREGATOR" (a network of science parks, clusters, business accelerators, startup incubators, experts)

Co-founder and co-owner of medical startups:
LLC "Programmatic Litholysis"


Co-founder of Poltava Investment Club

With the assistance of the Ukrainian Network of Business Angels and Investors, the Poltava Investment Club was founded in Poltava and headed by Tatiana Godiak.



The "Leader of the Year in Risk Management" contest was launched by the Occupational Health and Safety magazine in 2014. Over the past years, the winners of the competition have become: 18 enterprises and 19 specialists. This year, two more companies and three specialists joined the ranks of leaders.


"A politician is a mother"

Tetiana Hodiak won in the nomination "Politician - Mother". She is a member of the City Council, a member of the Board of Directors of the European Community for Safety and Health at Work (ESOSH), and the head of the Labor Protection Department at the National Logistics Company. Tetiana is a happy mother of two daughters.

Contact Tetyana Godiak

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28 Sobornosti St., Poltava, Ukraine, ICSP Office

